Saturday, September 1, 2007

My feet hurt.

Waiting before we go into Windsor Castle with our handheld audio tour guides.
Still waiting....
Me with a Windsor Castle Guard. I was a little nervous to stand by him.

Our group in front of the Windsor Courtyard. It was an amazing castle!
Leaving Windsor.

The girls in front of the Thames.

Saying hello to mom n' dad.

Picture from the Tower of London. It has amazing history.

A picture at night in Hyde Park.

Me on the Millenium Bridge on our way to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. The London Bridge is in the background.At the Diana 10 year memorial in front of Kensington Palace. There were signs all of the gates and camera men everywhere.

I will write more about everywhere we have been, but now we are meeting a lot of other friends who are in London at Trafalgar Square. Cheers!

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