Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I'm in Roma!

This is a picture I took of Orlando Bloom when he came out of the play he is in, in London.

In Roma! Very small cars.
This is outside of my school. It's a very old, historic building.

A picture of the Minerva plaza. It reminded me of Minerva's (a restaurant at home).

The Pantheon! Right next to my house.

The Pantheon plaza. Beautiful.

*These pictures are small but I'll make them bigger later. I have to go to class.

Well, I have finally reached my destination. The flight didn't go without any hiccups, however. Our travel agency failed to tell our airline that we had any baggage on our flight. So, they charged us for it. I had to pay $240, but I got off easy because I flirted with the guy. My two other friends had to pay $467. It was ridiculous. Buuuuut, I'm here and Rome is amazing. Our living situation is really nice! I went grocery shopping already, and everything is different. But I found out that Integrale means Multi-grain, so I know how to get my wheat bread and pasta. Sadly, no peanut butter. So, I got peanuts instead. We have an art history class in a half an hour, and then a few of us are going to go to dinner. Then, tomorrow we have a full day of classes. The language barrier is a little tough here, and I really do feel like an American, but everything else makes up for it. I live like 3 blocks away from the Pantheon! Crazy! So, here are a few pictures of Rome, and then one picture of Orlando Bloom because I saw him in London. Funny. Talk to you soon! I miss you all!


Denice said...

Sounds like you are having a great time so far. Tyler started his job yesterday, I will let him tell you how it is going. It is nice to have him coming home clean from work instead of dirty like he did when he worked with the concrete company.
We went to Bruce and Bonnie's this weekend. They have a big firework display that is put on on the river. Clayton and Tyler were in heaven with all of the piro. Karisa was with us also.
Tomorrow we will go to watch Andrew play football. Wasn't it last week we were watching you play high school soccer and the boys play football?
We are so proud of you. Have a great time.
God bless.

Gage's Mom said...

Hi Meg -

Ooh La La! Orlando Bloom - how exciting! We (Kathy, Holly and Ang) are huddled around my PC as no one can see your Blog through the firewall. We are all jealous! Keep up the Blog as we look forward to reading it.

Ally from the Bunny

Karisa said...

Hey Meg,

Wow - I am so jealous! I hope to be overseas again next spring...someday I'd love to see more of Europe than just the inside of airports! Keep posting pictures - they're so fun to look at!

Take care!

S.R. said...

Meg! I can't believe how close you are to such historical places! I bet it is amazing! Taking art history, with the actual art history right outside your window! I can't even imagine! I'm glad you're starting to love it there. Every time I mention something about you in Rome to Simone she gets all excited and wants to hear about it! I hope every day gets even better! You're blogging is great and the pictures even better (that new camera rocks!! great pics)I miss you lots and decided that I am visiting you a lot in Ames second semester! ;) Love, Sonja