Monday, September 10, 2007

Do as the Romans do.

Me on the street for the festival.

This is a picture I took of a woman looking at the ruins.

A few girls for a night out.

Me in front of ruins.

The girls on the beach.

The living room of our apartment.

I took this picture when we were walking in our art history class.

The Colloseum at night.

Buon giorno!
Well, I'm starting on my second week in Rome, and I'm really starting to love it. I got a cell phone, so I feel a little more connected to the world, and the internet at studio is beginning to work better. We went to the beach this weekend, and it was really nice weather, not too hot at all. There was a jet ski competition going on, so that was fun to watch. We took the train to get there, and had to walk a while to find a 'free beach.' All of them are mostly country club types with pools and restaurants. Walking is something we all have become very good at, so if we have to walk awhile, we're ok with it. We went out to a club on Friday night, and boy are those Italian men friendly, ha! Everyone has something called 'a bubble' and sometimes you just have to keep people out of that bubble. Classes are going fine. Not much homework yet. Our art history class is interesting because one class we have lecture, and the other class we go on location and actually get to see what we are learning about. There was a HUGE festival on Saturday night where it seemed all of Rome was in the streets. They opened up all of the museums for free and there were many stages and street performers. The main busy street was right outside of our apartment. Also, that is the street where all of the cool shopping stores are. Very convenient....but not so convenient for my bank account. It has been quite the experiment finding the right food in the supermarket. I think I have finally learned a few words and key things to look for. I really like the girls I'm living with, there are 11 of us. Everyone is always up for doing something, and doesn't complain. We all get along really well. I don't know if I covered everything, but if you have any questions, you can e-mail me. It's kind of tough updating this because sometimes the interent doesn't work, but I'm trying my best. I will take more pictures of my apartment, but here is one, for now. I just assume everyone would rather see pictures than listen to me ramble on, so that's why I keep it short and sweet. I miss everyone!

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