Thursday, August 30, 2007

The second day.

Getting into our hostel room.

Me in front of a fountain at Buckingham Palace.

This is from Harry Potter the movie when he goes through the wall at the train station.

This is our group in front of Buckingham Palace.

Big Ben!

* You can click on all of my pictures to make them bigger.

Let me describe the trip to London to you. My flight was at 2:00 out of Omaha on Tuesday. As I was about ready to leave to drive to Omaha, my travel agency called me and the man's first words to me were "Ok, don't freak out. Your flight has been cancelled." My heart sunk. However, he put me on another flight that was at 1:15. This means, we were in a bit of a rush to get to Omaha. On the way to the airport, my grandpa gets pulled over.....very inconvenient. But, he only got a warning, so it was ok. We got to the airport, and my 1:15 flight had been delayed until 2:00, which was the original time I was supposed to leave, ha! The flight was fine, but then as I was on the plane I looked at my ticket for my flight from Chicago to London, and it said it is leaving at 4:15. Buuuut, my itinerary said my flight was at 6:30 (with all my friends I was meeting in Chicago). I got off my flight and ran to a customer service desk to figure things out because my 4:15 flight was leaving very soon. The woman said that I had been double booked for some reason, and she had to hurry and make a quick call to get my baggage off of the 4:15 plane and onto the 6:30 plane. Well, I met up with all of my friends and we boarded the 6:30 flight to London. After we were all on the plane, the power and air suddenly turned off. A woman got on the loud speaker and said, "in the 10 years she's been on this plane, this has never happened." Wow. Reassuring. So, we had to wait for the mechanics to come and attempt to fix the problem. Well, our 777 plane has 4 engines. Three of the engines run the motor and one engine the air and electricity. This engine has suddenly decided to turn off, with no reason. So, we waited on the hot, dark plane for two hours for them to fix it. They finally told us that we had to get on another plane, that hasn't come yet. We unboarded the plane, and waited for a bit, then got on the other plane. Finally, we were ready to leave. When we got in the air, they gave us these 'sorry for the inconvenience' vouchers that we will send in to get a gift. I say it's probably a 'United' pencil or something. The meal in the air was nice, and they had movies for us. However, it was very uncomfortable sleeping in a chair. Finally, when we were ready to land after 7 hours of flying, we couldn't land because another aircraft had to make an emergency landing. After 15 minutes of circling in the air, getting very dizzy, we landed in London. Now, getting our luggage to the hostel is a different story. Let's just say two 50 pound bags, one 30 pound carry on, and a purse with my laptop in it is very hard to carry up stairs. But, we are at our hostel. We did the touristy stuff today, as shown by the pictures above. Right now, we are taking a break from walking and might chill out in the TV room of our hostel. Other than that, London reminds me a lot of New York City. It's very clean, and the people are friendly, just different accents. I miss home, but am excited for more adventures! Talk to you soon!

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