Friday, August 24, 2007

The Last Good-Byes.

Sonja in Iowa City. She took me out to dinner and out on the town. I then told her (at one in the morning) that I would buy her a giant Roman trophy. I have no idea what that means.

This is a very cute picture of my handsome boyfriend, Ross. I'll miss you! See you in November!

Oh my. Oh my. There is still a lot of packing to do. I just spent the last week in Ames, seeing friends and hanging out with Ross, who I am going to miss so much! I also had to get art supplies, and other things. I am leaving on Tuesday, and the whole trip is getting a lot more real. A friend of mine sent me an Italy handbook that has been passed around to two previous people before me, who have travelled to Italy. They have written little notes and put stars by things that are important. It will be very helpful. I visited one of my best friends, Sonja, in Iowa City this last week. Her room mate, Simone, just spent last semester in Rome, so she had some great advice. So, these next few days will be filled with buying things and packing. Other then that, I don't know much until I get to London. See you soon!

1 comment:

S.R. said...

You made that picture look much better than the original. Product placement! Will Sol give me free beer now!

Hope you have safe travels, Meg Irene! You are going to have great experiences that you will never forget and grow into an even more amazing person! Can't wait to start hearing about it all on here!

Ciao! y Buena Suerte!