Thursday, August 16, 2007

Camera, hair, glasses.

The picture above is of the Blue Bunny girls (Jess, Ang, and me). Click on to view larger.

I guess the title says it all. Many things have changed in the past couple of weeks. The first thing was that I have a brand new do'. I don't know if it was because I was inspired by the movie 'Hairspray', or what? Side note: 'Hairspray' is an amazing movie, the dancing is fantastic, and the music is very's been in my head for days. But, I do love my showtunes. Anywho, my hair is about chin-length, and has a tinge of red in it. My mother can comment on the red hair. She loves it.....kidding. The next change could be expressed in the form of "Hey, four eyes!" You guessed it. Glasses. Hey, many people that are attractive wear glasses Allen. Well, maybe not. I think they are cute, and I don't have to wear them all the time. They are for seeing distance, night driving and such. The third major thing I have received in my life is small, pricey, and definitely makes me look at things differently. Did Meghan have a child? NO! I'm only 21, people! I got a new camera. The Nikon D40X. I took the picture above of the flower with this new camera. It's really light, and will definitely capture my semester abroad. As for now, the next few weeks will be filled with visiting Ames to see friends and my boyfriend, packing, and buying the necessary items to take with me. Also, exciting news! Ross will be visiting Rome in November for 1 week! It will be sad saying goodbye in a few days, but I already can't wait to see him in Rome. Our housing is located right in the center of Rome. I joke how on a map, when you see the word 'Rome' my window is in the 'e'. If you would like to send anything to me I can give you my address. Well, wish me luck on my adventure. I sure will miss Iowa, but I think Italy might be a little more exciting. The Corn Palace vs. the Pantheon, you decide.

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