Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rome Sweet Rome.

REMINDER: You can click on any picture to make it bigger.

Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes and gifts! It made my day great!

This was a toga party that the interior design girls held at their apartment. This is a picture of all of us graphic design kids. Toga toga toga!

This is some cool grafitti right by the train tracks in Naples. I love the color.

Yummy vegetarian pizza at our hostel in Sorrento. Kim and I were in love!

These are a few of my roomies walking on the road by our hostel in Sorrento.

Me on the beach of our hostel in Sorrento. It was beautiful! About 80 degrees, and the water was so salty.

This is a group of us acting like real gladiators at Pompeii. I'm pretty sure everyone thought we were crazy!

This picture is a little haunting. These are casted bodies at Pompeii from the ash. It appears to me that this is a father keeping watch over a mother and child when the eruption was happening.

Doing as the Romans do. (Notice: leaves in hair, and leaves on shirt. Yeah...I planned it. hah.)

This is the view from our the convent we stayed at in Sorrento. It was absolutely beautiful. You can see Mt. Vesuvius in the background.

This is the breakfast the nuns had for us in the morning, they were so nice! Crossants, nutella (I will talk more about this later. It's pretty big in Italy), crackers, and coffee.

Another picture when we were eating breakfast at the convent. You can see the water outside.

In the convent. This reminds me of the book 'Madeline.' All of the beds where the girls sleep.

This is a picture I took when we were at a Pompeii museum in Naples.

Downtown Sorrento at night.

Me at our $60 dinner. All of the ISU kids did it. Four courses! So yummy.

Our apartment at our table. All of the other kids from ISU are around us.

First course: Antipasti (appetizers). Cheese puffs, fresh mozzerella wrapped in a mint leaf, etc.

Second course: Pasta with cheese.

Third course: Fish and potatoes. (I couldn't finish this one. Way too full!)

Fourth course: Lemon creme dessert.

The girls from my apartment in Sorrento.

There was an awesome storm rolling in. This is the view from the convent at night. You can see Mt. Vesuvius. I tried to get the lightning.

Waiting for the train....

Well, this post is going to have to be quick. It's my birthday today, yeah! I'm going out to eat with a few girls from my apartment, and they made me a cake, too! That's why I'm in a hurry to leave because we are eating soon. So, these pictures are a bit of a recap of what's been going on. We went on our 'Southern' field trip this last weekend to Naples, Pompeii, and Sorrento. It was so fun. We took the train from Rome to Naples. Then we went to a few museums. Then we took a bus to Sorrento where we stayed at a convent. This convent was beautiful. The nuns greeted us by waving yelling 'Ciao! Ciao!'. They were so excited to have us kids stay. The convent was right on the water. That night we went to a four course dinner in Sorrento. Woah. I was stuffed. I couldn't finish all of it! It was amazing food, though. The next morning we took the train to Pompeii and was there for a day. So much history. Many things are still in tact, making it such an interesting place. That night we stayed in a hostel in Pompeii. This was the time when our field trip was over, and we went on with the girls from our apartment. The next morning we woke up and went to our hostel in Sorrento. This was right on the water, and oh so cute. Everything was very clean and we were beach bums most of the time. On Sunday, we stayed in the sun, then took a train home that night to Rome. Well, that is a VERY brief overview of my little trip this weekend. Like I said, I've got to get to my birthday dinner. I'm thinking pizza. Hah. I miss you all. And I promise to make a little more time for myself to go in depth about certain things here in Rome. The culture/food/etc. I will write soon. P.S. Sorry for any grammatical errors, I'll fix em' soon! Ciao!

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