Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Keeping up with my studies.

These are three books I made for a book-making assignment. Two are hard cover, and I made the band that goes around the middle one.

This is a drawing I did of a sculpture of a head that is in the Palatine Museum.

Well, this last week we had a famous graphic designer come in named Primo Angeli. He has worked on things such as the Olympics, General Mills, and Sunkist. He is a very well known package designer, and most of us bought his book, which he is going to sign. He lived in San Francisco, but has recently moved to Rome with his wife. Don't be fooled by the name, he is American. We got into groups within our class, and had one week to re-design a badly designed package here in Italy. Our group picked wafers because they are a big sweet treat over here. So, we started from the beginning with research and sketches, and after a week of critiques and re-do's, we came up with three strong designs, one being mine! It was very exciting to have this famous designer critique our work, and at the end, he was SO impressed by all of us. He actually wants us to go to the company we picked and present these re-designs and see if they pick up on them. He was such a cool guy, inspiring and influential. Also, I have been working diligently on my other classes. I have to create an identity (make a logo and signage) for Palatine Hill. It's a very big tourist site, and they say that Rome was started there by Romulus and Remus. Also, in my advanced typography class, I have to create an abstract map from one point to the other in Rome. I picked Campo di Fiori, which is a popular piazza in Rome. I 'm creating my map focusing on different times of the day within Campo di Fiori, so there will be a distinct recognition of morning, noon, and night. Campo di Fiori turns into many things over this period of time (market, soccer games, popular hot spot for youth). It is going to be an accordion fold, hard-cover booklet. In Photography, I have to pick a subject matter to focus on for my final project, and go out and capture that in Rome. Well, that's a quick re-cap of what's been going on. I'm a busy gal, but I think I'll get some great work out of everything. I'm putting a few things I've worked on for pictures, enjoy! Ciao!

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