Monday, October 22, 2007

Cinque Terra (A walk through five cities).

This is a project I have been working on for my advanced typography class. It is a visual map through Campo de Fiori, a popular market.

This is the beginning of our hike through Cinque Terra.

Our troop hiking.

This is the second city on our hike. You can see the first one across the water. It took 90 minutes, and was a hard one!

Going up! Very tiny steps.

A pretty view looking over the water.

People even had their dogs with them. Without leashes! I don't think Lyle could do that. One squirrel, and he's a goner.

Some of the girls taking a break.

Very narrow walkway.

Just me, with the second city in the background.

The last city on the walk. We were exhausted, but were able to relax on the train home.

This is at Hadrian's Villa. Cori needed some cash fast, and got a little confused, ha!

100 fountains all in a row.

Me in front of an extremely huge fountain.

My room mate, Kym, just posing before a night out.

Well hello there again! It's been a little while since I have written, but I've got some great pictures! For art history class, we went to Tivoli to Hadrian's Villa, and we also went to another Villa where there were many fountains, it was so pretty to get away from the city for awhile and just hear the sound of water and breath fresh air. On Saturday, we took a day trip to Cinque Terra, that means 'five cities' in Italian. It was a 7 mile hike along the coast of Northern Italy and it goes through 5 villages. It was beautiful! I thought it was going to be a nice walk along the water, but no way. I worked up a sweat! I was cold at the beginning, but after, my 3 layers were down to one. The stairs never ended! It was a 90 minute hike to the second town, and a 90 minute hike to the third town. Then is was a 45 minute hike to the fourth town, then a 20 minute hike to the last town. The first hike was the hardest. We left Rome at 7 in the morning and we got back to Rome at 11pm, taking the train. It was a packed day-trip, and well worth it. Tomorrow we leave on a field trip to Venice and Milan. Our field trip goes until Friday, and then we have the choice to travel on. We will be going to an island named Morano, and it is a big island for glass blowing. Also, we will be taking a hike in Tuscany that includes a wine tour. We don't know if it is going to rain yet, so we might bike it or hike it. On the tour, we will be able to see the place where Leonardo da Vinci used his flying machine. It sounds pretty cool. It is getting colder in Rome. Everyone is starting to buy sweaters and jackets. Our apartment gets pretty cold, too. We've asked for more blankets, but they won't give any to us. I'm starting to actually learn how to cook, weird, huh? Who would have thought a daughter coming from Kim Linafelter could learn how to cook, ha! It's fun finding new combinations to things and such. Anywho, I have nothing much else to say. I have to pack for the trip tomorrow. I just registered for my last semester of classes, oh my goodness it went fast! It looks like I won't be super stressed out, so that will give me time to get my portfolio together. Well, I guess I will post new pictures soon when I get back from Milan and Venice. Until then, ciao!

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