Saturday, December 15, 2007

Woah, it's been way too long....

This is a good pictire of Father David.

Well, as you have noticed, I have not written for a long while! I'm very sorry, it's been finals around here, so it's been really busy. However, A LOT has happened! I'll start from the beginning...Well, I went to the Cardinal ceremony at St. Peter's Square about 3 weeks ago. Mom and dad told me there was a priest from Sioux City becoming a Cardinal, and that is a HUGE deal in the Catholic Church. So, I headed over to St. Peter's Square thinking I might see a few Sioux City people because they were supposed to be there. I went by myself, and just stood in the square and took photos of the giant screens they had up. The ceremony was held in the church. So, after about an hour and a half of watching the Pope talk, I spotted a tiny American flag in the distance within the crowd of people. I thought, “How odd of there to be the American Flag in Rome.” I guess it was odd to me because I hadn't seen it in about 3 months. So, I kept my eye on it because I knew there had to be some Sioux Citians around that area. The Pope started calling the names of the Cardinals, and each country would cheer for their own. It was pretty cool. So, after the ceremony was over, I made sure the man with the American flag walked by me, he was a priest from Texas. I stopped him and asked, “Where is the Sioux City crowd?” He told me they were all congregating at the American College and asked if I was going. I said no because I knew nothing about it, so he went on his way. Well, all this time he was still holding the flag high. It also had a Texas flag on the pole. So, I wanted to get some good pictures of the American Flag with St. Peter's behind it, so I followed him a bit. Then, there were these two ladies who started talking to him. I went up to him again and asked if the Sioux City people were in the church and he said yes. But THEN, he asked if I wanted a tour of the Order across the street and then head to the American College to meet up with the Sioux City crowd. Well, at first I was like....ughhh, I don't know. But, hey, he's a priest. So, Father David from Pasadena, Texas, two old ladies from Boston and Arizona, and me walked over to the Augustan Order, and got a mini tour. The Cardinal from Paris was staying there, and coming back soon, so we had to hurry. So, Father David thanked the little old ladies for seeing the place, and wished them well on their way. But he didn't wish me on my way. I was headed to the American College. So, Father David had to run inside the Augustan Order really quick to get this VERY special alcohol for the reception. I just stood outside in my blue jeans and waited for him, pondering how funny of a story this would be. So, he came back out, and asked me if I would carry the flag. I said ok…. as long as I don't get killed. He laughed. So, there we were. A priest carrying alcohol (400 Euro worth of alcohol, because Father David kept reminding me how much it was, and how it was worth more money than he ever had) and an American girl carrying a giant pole with an American flag attached to it, walking through St. Peter's Square to the American College. Well, I didn't make eye contact with anyone because I was scared. But, half way through, I carried the alcohol, and Father told me NOT to drop it. It was funny because he had no clue who I was, but he was letting me carry 400 Euro worth of this special alcohol. I thought that was funny, but the time we got to the College we were good pals. He said, 'good thing I have a pretty girl on my arm so I can get in.' Well, I guess you had to have tickets for this reception, and Father didn't have any, so I was convinced they weren’t going to let me in. And I was ok with that, I was just along for the ride. So, we get to the college, and Father is showing the alcohol to the American priests, and waving the flag so we can get in. No one questions us. So, Father tells me he is going to give me one bottle to give to the Sioux City crowd. But he says, 'Only give it to them after dinner, and just a little bit because people will want more.' So, I guess now I was going to a dinner. Woah! And in charge of the alcohol did I get here! (The dinner ended up being on Tuesday, so I didn’t go). So, Father and I park it at a little table and get a glass of wine and munchies. He introduces me to a few important people, I say my hellos. I'm feeling pretty important. Father David was a priest in Mexico for 10 years, so he starts speaking Spanish to another man for a while. I smile cutely, like I kind of know what’s going on. So, Father keeps trying to find some Sioux City people for me. Now, keep in mind, I have no idea what Sioux City people will be at this reception, or if I will know any of them, but I think Father David thinks I know all of these people. Well, Father stops another priest from Sioux City and we start talking. This priest says, "Ohhhhh, you're the girl from Iowa State that went to (insert Catholic School here) and was trying to get tickets." I say....."No, sorry, not me." He says, "But Sister Catherine contacted me about you." I smile and say...."Sorry.....nope." Well, I guess some other girl from Iowa Sate who is in Rome was trying really hard to get tickets to the reception, and here I am just walking right in. Luck. So, the priest from Sioux City, semi-disappointed and wondering who I am, tells me the Sioux City people are down the hallway. This is my time to say goodbye to Father David. I hug him and say thanks for everything, and he just says, “No problem." I continue to walk down the hallway, knowing I probably wont see anyone I know, but then I recognize this couple. I walk up to the man and ask him if he is from Sioux City. He says yes, and I start to introduce myself. He says, "Oh! You're Brian's daughter! He just called us the other night saying you're in Rome!" What a relief, someone I knew! I, in a nutshell, told them how I got to the reception. Basically, I said I didn't really know how I got in, I just met a priest, and he picked me up. Funny. They looked a little astonished. So, we got a picture together, and laughed a bit. Then, I was on my way back home. What a story, huh? Well, later that night, the girls said they saw a sign that the Backstreet Boys were having a CD signing. I said, "What the hey, I'm going to see the Pope, and meet the Backstreet boys all in one day." And I did. We met them, and they signed our sheets of crumply paper. Haha. Well, sorry that story is so late. I'm headed to Paris at three thirty in the morning tomorrow, and still have to get a little bit of a project done. So, right now I'm at studio and a few kids are watching the Shawshank Redemption on the projection screen. Everyone is done with school. We had our reception a couple days ago and displayed all of our work. It was really nice. Today was a fun day. Tegan, Kim, and I dressed up in weird clothes and shot a music video all through Rome. Yes, we went to all the main sights and played 'Every little thing she does is magic' by the Police. I was the drummer and Kim and Tegan were the guitarists. We had people taking pictures of us. Picture us in the Pantheon rocking out because that's what we did. VERY FUNNY. So, Tegan is going to compile the footage over Spring Break and we will have a music video through Rome. Haha! Well, I will have TONS more photos after my trip to Paris, but I will probably upload them when I get home to Sioux City. I will be gone until Wednesday afternoon and then I leave for home early morning on Friday. I'm already packed. It's kinda sad. This was an amazing experience! Well, until after Paris….I’ll talk to you soon and have more photos. Ciao!

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