Sunday, July 29, 2007

It's almost here!

I will be leaving for Rome now in a little over a month. We got our supply list and our apartment assignments, along with the bill.....that got a great reaction out of my parents! It's really great because I am living with some amazing girls who I know I will have a BLAST with. Right now I am reviewing cameras because that will be my next buy before I head off to Roma. I want a really good camera, not just a simple point and shoot digital camera, but I nice semi-professional one. This will be useful with my digital photography class I will be taking over there. I know I will get some great photos (which I will be posting at a later time). My good friend Jess, at Blue Bunny, does a lot of excellent photography and she will be helping me pick out a good one. I have learned a lot of new things at Blue Bunny, mostly all from Angela and Jess because they know how to keep me busy and are always helpful and ready to answer any questions I have. I'm really glad they took me under their wing. It will be sad leaving them and I hope to keep in touch. As for now, I got new luggage and will begin making a list of what I need to buy before I go. As my family knows, I am very bad at packing because I pack EVERYTHING. I will try and take just the necessities, but, hey, a girl needs her shoes and lots of em'! Right now the exchange rate is 70 cents US to every euro. Not so good. So I will by most things here, and not wait till over there. I just talked with my grandma and grandpa Moore about London, as we will be staying there for 5 days before we go to Rome. They had some great advice and places we just 'have to see' because they traveled over there a few years ago with my uncle Jim, aunt Terry, and cousin Seth.
I was a little weary about coming home again this summer and working because it's hard coming home after you have been on your own for a school year. But, I really loved it. I loved spending time with my family and going camping. It's things like that so many people take for granted, but I really have a great family, and I want to recognize that, and tell them. This will probably be my last time living at home, and I really took it all in. The other night I went on a run with my mom, and she beat me home. She is in such great shape, and I am really proud of her. After, I jumped in my pool and just floated, relaxing, thinking how I am 21-years-old, heading to Rome soon, starting my last year in college. I have my whole life ahead of me. But, right at that moment sitting in the water, I was completely at peace. No stress of projects, no deadlines approaching, and no pressure of finding a job after college. It was just me, my family, and my puppy, and I am so thankful. Life is surely sweet.