Monday, June 25, 2007

The Beginning.

On about May 14, I started a new endeavor where I get dressed up and shimmy my way over to Le Mars, Iowa. I am working in the Design Services department of Wells Blue Bunny. I'm slowly getting used to the 8 to 5 job, which is way different than lifeguarding or waitressing. The perk is I get all the free ice cream I want! Also, everyone is really nice and helpful. I will be running a 5K and a 10K within the next two weeks, so I have been exercising every day to prepare for those. The 5K is the 'Pump n' Run' in Sioux City, Iowa and the 10K is the 'Firecracker Run' in Minnetonka, Minnesota. They should be fun. I tried to con my boyfriend, Ross, into doing the 10K, but no success. He will be there cheering. However, the run is at 8:30am on the 4th of we'll see if he's out of bed. The reason why I created this blog is for my trip to Rome, Italy on August 28th, 2007. We will be staying in London for 5 days, then fly to Rome to begin school. This blog is a way I can post new things on my adventure, and many people can par-take in my experience with me. So, enjoy, and I will be commenting on highlights during my summer and the preparation for my study abroad adventure! See you soon, Roma!